Empowering Your Growth
I am a coach and speaker dedicated to inspiring confidence, growth, and purpose in women. Through my coaching method, “Valor-Arte,” I help women value themselves, embrace their inner strength, and take actionable steps toward their dreams. My mission is to empower women to transform their lives, build self-confidence, and unlock their full potential. By sharing my experiences and knowledge, I guide them to connect deeply with themselves and live with purpose and clarity. I am a woman of impact!
Valor-Arte is a comprehensive methodology divided into nine transformative modules, each addressing a key area of personal growth and self-discovery. This step-by-step journey is designed to guide women toward a deeper understanding of their values, self-love, and personal empowerment. The modules take participants through a reflective and actionable process: identifying values, embracing self-love, releasing emotional burdens, granting themselves permission to grow, and respecting their authenticity. Along the way, they learn to appreciate their achievements, take control of their lives, and ultimately transform into empowered, confident women ready to achieve their dreams. With Valor-Arte, women reconnect with their essence and unlock their full potential, creating a life that is not only fulfilling but deeply aligned with who they truly are. It’s more than a methodology—it’s a movement to reclaim self-worth and live boldly

Public Speaking
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Best Selling Author
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Life Coaching
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A life coach is a guide who helps you in the process of getting to know yourself, discovering your potential, strengths, and skills, and finding direction by creating an action plan aligned with your goals. Whether you are working on your personal life or professional journey, each of my coaching programs is designed to build your confidence, nurture self-love, and bring out the best version of yourself. My role is to be your ally, providing guidance and unwavering support throughout your journey. Together, we will transform you into a confident, brave, and empowered woman, leaving fear behind and embracing your true greatness. You will have the courage to create a fulfilling, purposeful life that aligns with your values and brings you happiness.
What Women Like You Are Saying
Tener a Lucy, como parte de mi equipo de vida, me ha enseñado que el camino del aprendizaje no se lleva solo, que todos requerimos ese apoyo para sobrepasar las situaciones difíciles, enfrentar nuevos retos y recordar el propósito de

Judith Cruz CEO
Miedos e inseguridad fueron una mezcla que convirtió mi vida en un desorden y desequilibrio emocional… Lucy, además de ser una excelente coach, una gran mujer dedicada a su labor me apoyo a rediseñarme, a recuperar mi confianza y sobre

Kathy Teacher
Trabajar con Lucy como mi Coach fue una experiencia maravillosa para mí… fue experimentar el amor incondicional y la entrega desbocada, dónde me sentí sostenida, acompañada y querida durante mi proceso de transformación ya que estaba muy vulnerable y ella

Marianela Director
Mi experiencia trabajando con la coach Lucy a sido muy nutritiva, me ha ayudado muchisimo en mi proceso, estoy muy agradecida por su apoyo incondicional, su entrega, su sabiduría para comunicarse conmigo, ha sido muy clara y en verdad me

Sarah Torrealba COO
Lucy no solo es una gran profesional, si no una mujer correcta, integra y que a través de su empoderamiento logra que cualquier mujer entienda que su propósito en la vida no es más que ser feliz. Ella con amor

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